What I'm doing now

Living in District 1—the heart of Saigon, Vietnam; this is my birth city and where I spent the first half of my life before moving to the States.

UX lead at Anduin in our boutique office in District 2.

Spending time with my family who are in town this summer.

Tinkering with this site every week, I have a list of ideas (32-Bit Cafe gave me a few more).

Giving Zed a try again after I learned how to set up a local server using Node.js!

Journaling once a week in Obsidian to document what's going on in my life, what I've learned recently, and what I'm looking forward to.

Reading What Money Can't Buy and Crucial Conversations.

Started watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and now I can't stop 🍿

Writing down an interesting thing I've learned every week to compile an article at the end of the year; Kent Hendricks's blog post is the inspiration for this

Pushing myself to travel somewhere at least once every quarter.